
ERDINGER Alkoholfrei channels plans for setting New Year resolutions to support 5k Your Way, Move Against Cancer charity

Bavarian brewery ERDINGER Weissbräu is backing the Move charity initiative ‘5k Your Way, Move Against Cancer (5KYW)’, for its UK ERDINGER Alkoholfrei New Year activity for the second year running.

5KYW is a community initiative that encourages those living with and beyond cancer to meet at designated parkrun events on the last Saturday of every month to help them derive the benefits of exercise whilst socialising in a supportive environment.

ERDINGER Alkoholfrei country manager Peter Gowans explained “Rather than just talking about the benefits of giving up alcohol as one of your New Year resolutions, we want to make more people aware of the role that exercise and alcohol-free beer can play within a balanced lifestyle. As a long-time supporter of marathons, triathlons and cycling events around the world, ERDINGER Alkoholfrei is asking people to make a commitment to complete a 5k their way, every week for five weeks as a positive start to 2022 and which they can continue as a lifestyle choice throughout the year. 

“We want people to complete a 5k their way every (Alkohol) Friday, starting on 31st December 2021 through to the end of January 2022, making a £5 contribution to 5KYW for each one completed. They can do the 5k in whatever way they can safely manage and that works for them; run, walk, cycle, paddle, skateboard, roller skate, or even hop! Anything goes, alone or with friends, and they can even chunk the 5k down into smaller distances over the week if they would like to. There will be social media spot prizes for those taking part, including acknowledgement for the most innovative and inspiring participants as it really is 5k YOUR Way! Everyone who joins in will  know that they are making a difference by getting more active themselves and supporting a small but life-changing charity at the same time.” 

Move charity organises a series of support mechanisms, including an online cancer rehab programme for children and young people, as well as coordinating 5k Your Way, Move Against Cancer support groups at parkruns on the last Saturday of every month. 5KYW is a coffee morning with a difference and welcomes anybody affected by cancer in any way. The groups walk, jog, run, cheer or volunteer as they seek the benefits of exercise including reducing cancer-related fatigue, improving psychological wellbeing and helping to preserve cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness. But most importantly, the meetups are social, fun and supportive. 

One of the co-founders of 5KYW is former Ironman Champion and long-term member of the Team ERDINGER Alkoholfrei elite sports group, Lucy Gossage who now focuses on her work as an oncologist. Lucy added “Exercise is so important in our lives and it offers so many benefits for those living with, and beyond, cancer. The 5KYW groups that meet at parkrun are inspirational and uplifting. Over the last year, we have been able to expand the support we offer those living with and after cancer through online workshops and Move Your Way exercise Sessions, the Move Against Cancer podcast and an ever-growing collection of educational and inspirational resources from members of our community and cancer and exercise experts. We know there is so much more that we can do to help people and the ERDINGER Alkoholfreiday challenge will be a huge step in implementing our ambitious plans for 2022.” 

Anyone undertaking all five 5k’s will receive a customised medal to mark the achievement and there will be ERDINGER Alkoholfrei goodies given as spot prizes for participants every week. The popular wheat beer has become synonymous with endurance events and an active lifestyle thanks to its isotonic properties which helps to quickly replace lost fluids and quench thirst after exercise. In January 2021, the partnership between 5KYW and ERDINGER Alkoholfrei generated over £5,000 and the hope is that more people will get involved in 2022 to make an even bigger impact.  

“As a successful professional triathlete, Lucy made such a positive contribution to Team ERDINGER Alkoholfrei” added Peter Gowans “and now she’s making a huge difference to other people’s lives through the 5KYW initiative, provided by MOVE Charity. Given her commitment, it is only right that ERDINGER Alkoholfrei is giving something back and supporting her and the 5KYW team as they continue such important and pioneering work.” 

“People living with and beyond cancer have been badly affected by the COVID pandemic” continued Lucy Gossage “and many are feeling more isolated than ever. Our established groups are now back up and running again but with the support of ERDINGER Alkoholfrei and people who take part in the Alkoholfrei-day 5KYW campaign, we will be able to make even more of a difference in 2022.”

Anyone who wants to start off the New Year with a positive resolution can join in with ERDINGER Alkoholfrei-days by registering at The first day of the campaign is Friday 31st December 2021 but participants can complete their activity at any point in the week and for as many weeks as they like and either upload a Garmin tracker, or record details manually. Entry is by donation to the  5k Your Way Move Against Cancer initiative of £5 for each week of participation and photos or stories submitted from activity will be welcome for use on social media.