
CMBC announces retirement and preservation of Union Sets at Marston’s Brewery

Carlsberg Marston’s Brewing Company (CMBC) has today announced that the four remaining Union Sets at Marston’s Brewery in Burton-on-Trent are being retired.

CMBC are now preparing to preserve these iconic sets to be kept at the Burton brewery as a reminder of its tremendous brewing heritage. 

The four active Union sets at Marston’s Brewery have been used exclusively for fermenting Marston’s Pedigree ale in cask. Low volumes due to the decline of the UK cask market has meant that fermenting using the Union sets is no longer viable.  

Beer from the Union sets was previously blended with beer from stainless-steel fermenters to deliver the best product quality for Marston’s Pedigree in cask. Low volumes due to the decline of the UK cask market has made a move to stainless-steel fermenters necessary, ensuring the quality of Pedigree cask remains at the high standard drinkers expect. 

The move to stainless-steel fermenters, already successfully used for fermenting Pedigree in bottle and keg, will ensure a great quality cask product and deliver improved sustainability and efficiency at the brewery by reducing energy and water consumption. 

Emma Gilleland, Director of Brewing at CMBC, said: “We take great pride in the quality of our brews and by moving cask Pedigree to stainless-steel fermenters, we will be able to deliver consistent, strong quality for our customers and consumers going forwards. 

 “We are committed to protecting the legacy of the Union sets, both for the brewery and for Burton. We will invest in the preserving two Union sets, which will remain at the brewery so they can continue to be part of its future as enduring, iconic symbols of British brewing.