
To avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we need to limit global warming to below 2°C, aiming for 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. That is why we have set science-based targets to the 1.5°C level, aiming for zero emissions from our breweries by 2030. We will achieve a 30% reduction in our value chain carbon emissions by 2030, to deliver net zero emissions across our entire value chain by 2040. 

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Farming Hero

To protect and improve biodiversity and farmlands where our ingredients grow, we will ensure that by 2040, 100% of our raw materials for brewing will come from sustainable sources using regenerative practices.

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We want to help drive a circular economy and reduce the environmental impact of our packaging. By 2030 we will achieve ZERO Packaging Waste by making 100% of our packaging recyclable, reusable or renewable, as well as increasing the recycled content in our bottles and cans.

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Packaging Hero
ZERO Water Waste Approach Towards Zero

We are determined to use the minimum amount of water throughout the brewing process, and to make the most of every drop.  We aim to reduce water use per hl of beer produced by 2030, to use just 2.0 hl/hl, at all our breweries globally, eliminating water waste. 

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Our brews bring people together to enjoy great experiences, and we want to ensure that they are always enjoyed responsibly.  We work to enable, inform and encourage responsible choices, by improving availability of great-tasting alcohol-free beers, increasing access to information and collaborating across the industry to promote responsible drinking.

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Every one of our colleagues should come to work knowing that they’ll get home safe. Our focus has long been on the brewery – where the greatest risks and hazards are. Now, we are expanding our approach to include other areas of the business to ensure a ZERO Accidents Culture everywhere by 2030.

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