Green Fibre Bottle With Wood Fibres

Carlsberg Fibre-Based Bottles

In its largest trial to date, Carlsberg put its innovative bio-based and fully recyclable beer bottle in the hands of the public in the summer of 2022.

Not only does the bottle generate fewer CO2 emissions than a single-use glass bottle, but the beer itself is also better – it has been brewed with fully organic barley that has been grown using more sustainable farming practices.

Fibre Bottle samples were made exclusively available in selected countries, including the UK, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Germany, and Poland.

The most significant innovation to the Fibre Bottle is the plant-based lining within. This pioneering PEF lining, made entirely from natural raw materials, protects the taste and carbonation of the beer. The outer shell of the bottle is made with sustainably sourced wood fibre and due to its insulating properties, it may keep the beer cold for longer compared to cans or glass bottles.

In addition to matching the quality and freshness of regular Carlsberg beers, the brew within the Fibre Bottle is made with barley grown using more sustainable farming methods. As well as removing carbon from the air naturally, these new farming methods also enhance soil health and improve farmland biodiversity – all helping to create a vision of a better beer for the future.

The ultimate vision for the Fibre Bottle is to achieve up to 80% less emissions than current single-use glass bottles, which means that for the carbon footprint of every single-use glass bottle created, five Fibre Bottles could be created. Following product sampling and feedback gathering in the eight markets, Carlsberg Group will improve the design further, and continue working towards its ambition to make these bottles more widely available over time.